12 Quick Cleaning Tips You can Tackle in 5 Minutes - part 2

Welcome to the quick cleaning tips in 5 minutes (or less) - part 2. In this blog, we continue to talk about cleaning hacks that take less than 5 minutes. With these tips, you basically keep the cleaning tasks well-maintained by themselves with our trusted helpers. The goal is clean smart, go outside more, and enjoy life.
7. Wipe Down Your Condiments
Photo credit: Taylor Vick/ Unsplash
One super-fast task that makes a huge impact in the kitchen is to wipe down the cooking oil, vinegar, salt, pepper grinder next to the stove. Spray a multipurpose cleaning liquid on a Swedish cloth and clean the condiments quickly. Another day you can do the same with all the condiments in your fridge door.
8. Try The Basket Trick
Photo credit: Ron Lach/ Pexel
Have you ever tried to set up a few decorative baskets specifically for fast clean-ups? This cleaning hack is especially useful for parents of small children and particularly in small spaces. For example: setting up a basket dedicated to toys stationed in each room makes cleanup doable within five minutes. A bonus trick to keep the room tidier is to have the basket with a lid so it can keep the toys out of sight.
9. Tackle the Mail Pile
Photo credit: Anne Nygård/ Unsplash
Gather up all unopened mail and start to sort your mail into important and junk mail in just a few minutes. To save time in the future, add a small basket or trash can by your front door to collect "junk" mail before it even enters your home. You can start the decluttering by the front door.
10. Clean A Corner of Your Closet
Photo credit: Anastasia Shuraeva/ Unsplash
People forget that closets can get dirty too. A full closet cleaning will take some time but in 5 minutes you could clear off and wipe down a single shelf or the closet door. Dampen the Swedish cloth gently with a multipurpose cleaning liquid to picking the dust and cleaning process overall faster.
11. De-Gunk Your Devices
Photo credit: Alexandru Acea/ Unsplash
A great habit especially during the pandemic is giving your laptops, phones, and AirPods a quick wipe down with a Swedish cloth barely moistened with multipurpose cleaning liquid, followed by rubbing alcohol for disinfection.
12. Spruce Up A Single Surface
Photo credit: Logan Nolin/ Unsplash
Choose one horizontal surface like your nightstand, or working desk, discard any trash, or recycle, relocate items that do not belong to that place. After that, quickly wipe it down with a multi-purpose cleaning liquid. If you want, you can go one step further and elevate your space with something lovely to look at such as a small flower in a bottle, a candle or a picture of your loved ones.