12 Quick Cleaning Tips You can Tackle in 5 Minutes - part 1

When thinking of cleaning, it is common to imagine a full day of hoovering, mopping, a little burst of cleaning here and there, or tidying in able to have a satisfied deep clean. As one of our mottoes at HAPPY SiNKS is clean smart, go outside more, and enjoy life, here are some cleaning tips that you can do in 5 minutes or less. These cleaning tasks are low-impact but high-reward that promise to make your home feel fresh.
1. Touch Up The Walls
Photo credit: Castorly Stock/ Pexel
In this task, you will need a magic eraser. Damping the eraser sponge lightly, and buff out the little marks and smudges on your walls. The wall is almost always dingy around the light switch, so even just freshening up these areas can already make a difference.
2. Dust The Perimeter
It is so common that the baseboards are often neglected when we clean our floors. In just a couple of minutes, you can run a slightly damp Swedish cloth around the baseboards of an entire room. If you are feeling ambitious, you can easily do a whole apartment in 10 minutes.
3. Scrub Your Sink
Photo credit: Rodnae Productions/ Pexel
One of our favorite cleaning mixes for the sink is mixing baking soda with 10 drops of lemon juice for a boost of aromatherapy, but vinegar will do the job fine too. You can sprinkle the mixed powder onto the sink, squirt in dish soap, then scrub with a sink-safe sponge or brush. If you have any accessories such as Dishcloth Holder or Sponge Holder, remember to take it out a few times a week so you can really get into all the surfaces of the sink. We recommend doing this task nightly after you wash your dishes, but you can do it anytime you notice the sink is looking less than fresh.
4. Freshen One Small Appliance
Photo credit: Maghradze/ Pexel
One of our colleagues - Sonia- really believes in the power of what she calls a "5-minute fix", for times when you feel overwhelmed by the mess. Her tactic for a 5-minute fix is to clean a small appliance, like a microwave, toaster, or coffee maker. Dampening the Dishcloth with multi-purpose cleaning liquid, and go over 1 small appliance per day. So basically all the small but regular use appliances in your kitchen will get clean by the end of the week.
5. Clear The Counters
Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema/ Unsplash
Sonia also suggested wiping down the kitchen counters as one of her 5-minute cleaning hacks. Spray over the kitchen counter with multi-purpose cleaning liquid, and wipe the whole kitchen counter in less than 5 minutes. However, if you are someone who probably has probably too much stuff sitting out, instead of wiping out the counter, spend these 5 minutes to put things away. A tip for smoothing out the process is trying to identify items that do not need to be on the counter such as putting coffee beans, a coffee grinder in the cabinet, or a fruit bowl on the center of the table for tomorrow's breakfast.
6. Spritz and Swipe the Cabinets
Photo credit: Roam In Color/ Unsplash
Another common place that is often missed during regular kitchen cleaning is the kitchen cabinet fronts. Spritz them evenly and lightly with a multi-purpose cleaning liquid, let them sit for a minute or two then wipe them clean with a cloth. If your kitchen is large, divide the task into 2 parts. One day you do the uppers or just the lowers to keep it quick.